Pretty Pictures
I've been holed up in the apartment with a bad cold ever since the visit of Typhoid Amy, who can be seen here cursing my respiratory system. I seem to be recovering after a couple of days of full-body, pain-surging-through-your-arms sneezes and coughing-up chunks-of-lung. Amy, meanwhile, has blogged our days together, leaving me free to do other things.
A few days inside has given me plenty of time to deal with my burgeoning collection of Amsterdam's Prettiest Pictures. If you double-click the first picture, you can run through them with my semi-snarky comments intact. I think Picasa is mostly great, especially for the Mac lovers among us, because Google just issued software that integrates it with iPhoto. The only thing I don't like is that the slideshow puts up the name of the image file instead of my hastily written comments.
On Sunday I'm taking a spontaneous flight to Barcelona, scheduled in a spasm of Shouldn't You Be Taking Advantage of this Taxpayer-Fueled Trip to Europe? Thankfully I've learned to be a light and simple packer. All I need is my chap stick, contact lens solution, and a cold bottle of Evian, and I'm good to go.
Won't you have to check all three of those items now thanks to the terrorists? Or are Spain and the Netherlands being more lax about security?
Hope you feel better!
Sending Get well vibes your way!
don't forget your cellphone to go with the contraband items - apparently it's an important part of the equation.
hope you're recovered and having fun en espana
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