Friday, June 15, 2007

Expat Mike: The Return (Briefly)

Dearest Expat Mike fans (all three of you!): I will be traveling to Ireland during the last week in August, and I plan to blog at least a few times while I'm there. I am also supposed to travel to an unknown exotic locale in February 2008 (it was once South Africa, now up in the air), where I will also blog. Finally, there are plans to attend the Beijing Olympics in August 2008. So if all of these things actually occur, the blog will be intermittently active over the next year.


At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From one of your 3 readers, a MEME for you: Seven Random Things. Rules are at my site, if you wish to participate.


I was a pretty faithful reader while you were in the Netherlands and just dialed you up again. Hope you had fun in Ireland--what a great country! Hope you can blog again during your next big trip--I really enjoy reading your observances!

At 2:05 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Thanks Jill. As you saw, I totally spaced on blogging from Ireland. We spent so much time touring and actually doing things, i didn't have time to write anything. Blogging on vacation was a lot tougher than I expected.

I don't understand the meme thing.

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Cindy Hughes said...

Promises Promises!

I still live in hope.

Signed, another of your three fans.


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